Longing for Mountains
Boston Sculptors Gallery
Longing for Mountains, paint on fabric over foam, 168”hx96”wx48”d
Crenulation, red oak on white oak on beech branches, 88”hx37”wx”28”d
A playful moment with Poppy. Following her joy and laughter deep into a family tree. Let life curl and bend around our happy lives with focused freedom.
Downpour, paint media over foam on a 19th century repurposed carved rosewood base, 79”hx 23”dx31”w
Vestige, plywood on walnut, 14”hx6”wx18”d
Ridge, oak on plywood on beech limbs, 32”hx18”wx16”d
Island remnant ridge run. Perforated and ancient earth poem.
Plateau, cherry on maple and Spanish cedar, 16”hx10”wx13”d
A last space of solace. Eroded from beneath and all sides - but a fortress.
Roller Coaster, locust on plywood, 25”hx16”wx16”d
Playful and physical, like the momentum and lunge of a summer roller coaster ride. This work is a tribute to Donna and our adventures together
Cavern, cherry on plywood, 20”hx16”wx20”d,
Shapes and spaces that draw us into unknown places, both playful and dangerous. Cold water and hard stone.
Denali, oak on beech wood, 17”hx15”wx24”d, $1900
A singular geologic icon.
Reflecting on Mountains, ink, watercolor pencil w/brushwork, 7”hx12”w,
Old Couple, ink, watercolor, 9”hx7”w
Private Lake, ink, watercolor pencil w/brushwork, 12”hx7”w
. Priest, ink, watercolor pencil w/brushwork, 10h”x8”w
Displayed, ink, watercolor pencil w/brushwork, 11”hx7”w
Eccentric, ink, 10”hx7”w
Peculiar, ink, watercolor, 10”hx8”w,
Floating Stone, unique print, 25”hx19”w
Exquisite Landscape, unique print, 25”hx19”w